
How to Turn Off VPN on iPhone – Step-by-Step Guide

A VPN helps keep our online actions private and secure. It’s smart to keep your VPN turned on all the time. But, if you ever need to turn off your VPN, you can do it two ways on an iPhone. You can use the app from your provider or the iPhone’s settings. Disabling a VPN on your iPhone is easy. You can do it through settings or the app, which ever is easier for you.

To deactivate the VPN, unlock your iPhone and go to the Settings app. Click on General, then find VPN & Device Management and enter it. Then tap on VPN and turn the switch off. Alternatively, you can open the VPN app. Look for a Connected or On button, and switch it off there.

Introduction to Disabling VPN on iPhone

Leaving your iPhone VPN on all the time is great for your security. It makes your online movements hidden and gives you a fake IP address to use. Yet, sometimes you might want to turn it off. This could be for troubleshooting the network, if your connection is unstable, or to save on battery. Plus, some streaming services won’t work with a VPN.

Reasons for Turning Off VPN on iPhone

If you need to save battery, it’s smart to turn off your VPN. They use up extra processing power which can drain your iPhone faster. Turning it off also lets you use apps or see content that’s often blocked by the VPN’s location settings.

Benefits of Using a VPN on iPhone

Despite reasons to turn it off, using a VPN is essential for keeping your online life private and secure. It scrambles your internet data, giving you a hidden identity. This protects your info all the time, even when the VPN is off.

How to Turn Off VPN on iPhone via Settings

To turn off your iPhone’s VPN in Settings, follow these steps. First, unlock your phone and go to Settings. Then, scroll and tap on “General.” You’ll find “VPN & Device Management” in the list, tap that next.

Afterwards, tap “VPN” and check if it’s on. If it is, switch it off with the toggle. The VPN will then show “Not Connected,” meaning it’s off.

Turning off your VPN this way lets you go back to your regular internet. This is handy for using apps that need your true location. It also helps save your phone’s battery and fixes some internet problems.

Disable VPN on iPhone Through the VPN App

You can disable your VPN on an iPhone right in the VPN app. This method is simple and quick. It avoids the need to fiddle with your device’s settings.

To do this: Open your VPN app. Then, look for an area that says “Connected” or “On.” Tapping the button under those words will disconnect your VPN. After tapping, you’ll see it change to “Not connected” or “Off.”

Using the app this way makes managing your VPN easy. It’s handy, for example, when you need to stop the VPN to use certain apps. Or, it can help save your phone’s battery life.

how to turn off vpn on iphone

If you find your VPN turning back on after you’ve switched it off, the Connect On Demand feature might be at play. This setting makes the VPN switch back on by itself. To stop this, you’ll have to do a bit more.

Troubleshooting Automatically Reconnecting VPN on iPhone

First, go to your iPhone’s Settings to disable Connect On Demand. Then, find VPN & Device Management and pick the VPN to switch off. Click the ⓘ icon next to it. Look for the “Connect On Demand” option in VPN settings. Turn off this switch to avoid automatic reactivation.

Turning off Connect On Demand ensures your VPN stays off until you want to use it. This is handy if you need to turn it off briefly for certain services. Or if you’re trying to solve an issue with your internet connection on your iPhone.

iphone vpn troubleshooting

Uninstalling VPN from iPhone

If you’re ready to take off your VPN from your iPhone, there are two simple ways. First up, head to Settings > General > VPN & Device Management. Choose the VPN to delete and tap “Delete VPN.” Then tap “Delete” to confirm. This fully deletes the VPN from your iPhone.

Another way is to delete the VPN app itself. Press on the app’s icon until it shakes, then click “Remove App.” This removes the VPN app and its settings completely. But, all custom settings or profiles will be lost too.

Removing the VPN means you won’t be protected by it anymore. You’ll go back to using your regular internet. Remember, turning off your VPN can have security risks. We talked about this earlier in the guide.

Risks of Disabling VPN on iPhone

Turning off our VPN on an iPhone can lead to big risks. This includes threats to our online privacy, security, and data. It’s very important to know what could happen if we disable the VPN. The impact can be serious.

Loss of Privacy and Security

Without a VPN, our internet activities can be watched by our ISP. They can see what websites we visit, putting our location and personal information at risk. This makes us an easy target for ads and identity profiling. Also, our government may step up surveillance and restrict which sites we can visit without VPN’s protection.

Exposure to Online Threats

Without a VPN, our data is open to attacks from cybercriminals. We lose the security that encrypts our online data, opening the door to hacks. This lack of protection means our sensitive info could be stolen in man-in-the-middle attacks.

Potential Data Breaches

Doing things like online banking or shopping without VPN protection puts our personal and financial data at risk. Disabling the VPN means we lose important security. Even if the sites use HTTPS, our information can still be grabbed by others.

Turning Off VPN on Other Devices

Disabling a VPN on your iPhone is simple. However, doing so with other devices may differ a bit. Let’s check how to turn VPN off on Android phones and home routers.

Disabling VPN on Android

Want to turn off VPN on an Android phone? Here’s how:

First, go to your phone’s Settings. Next, tap on “Network & Internet,” then on “VPN.” Switch the VPN status to “Off.” Your phone will now be off the VPN, using the regular internet.

Turning Off VPN on Router

Turning off your router’s VPN affects all Wi-Fi devices.

To do this, either use the router’s app or go to its web interface. Find the VPN settings and turn VPN to “Off.” Another way is to reset the router. But this should only be done if normal steps don’t work. It’s a big step not often needed.

When to Keep VPN Enabled on iPhone

It’s smart to keep your VPN on when using public Wi-Fi or wanting more privacy online. A VPN hides your IP and encrypts your data. This keeps you anonymous and secure.

For important tasks like online banking, a VPN is a must. It keeps your personal info safe from hackers. Plus, a VPN lets you see location-specific content safely.

Even for normal browsing, using VPN on your iPhone is wise. It avoids others from tracking or slowing your internet. So, keep it on unless you need to turn it off for a good reason.

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