
How to Turn Off VPN on Android – Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Virtual private networks (VPNs) help keep our online activities safe and private. Sometimes, though, we need to turn our VPN off. This guide will show you how to do that on an Android device. We’ll discuss why you might need to disable it and the effects of doing so. Plus, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions for various Android versions and VPN apps.

Why Would You Need to Turn Off a VPN?

As Android users, we often need to switch off our VPN. This could be for many reasons. For example, [when to turn off vpn on android], [reasons to disable vpn on android], or [situations to turn off android vpn]. Knowing why can help us use our VPN wisely.

Increasing Internet Speed

Turning off our VPN can make the internet faster on Androids. VPNs keep us safe but might slow connections. This lets us download and upload faster.

Accessing Geo-restricted Content or Services

Sometimes we want to view or use restricted content or services. But, they may not work with a VPN. Turning it off helps us access these without issues.

Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues

At times, our VPN causes connection problems. Turning it off lets us see if the VPN or our network is the issue. This makes fixing the problem easier.

During Application or Service Incompatibility

Certain apps or services don’t run well with a VPN. Turning it off can solve these issues. It ensures everything works smoothly.

What Happens When You Turn Off a VPN?

Turning off a VPN on your Android device can bring some serious issues. Your IP address and online activities are no longer hidden. This leaves your personal information open to cyber threats and targeted ads. So, your privacy and online security can be at risk when you go online without a VPN.

Privacy and Security Risks

When your VPN is off, your IP address becomes visible. This makes your online traffic able to be seen and possibly intercepted by others. Your browsing history, data downloads, and any sensitive info you share could be at risk. Cybercriminals or others might take advantage of your unsecured data.

Impact on Internet Speed

One upside of turning off your VPN is that it could speed up your internet. VPNs add a layer of encryption that can sometimes slow things down. By turning it off, you might see your internet connection speed up. Your downloads and uploads might become faster, giving you smoother online use.

Connectivity Changes

If you turn off your VPN, accessing the internet in restricted areas might become harder. VPNs help you get around network blocks and censorship. So, without your VPN, you might find it difficult to visit certain websites or use specific online services. These were things you could do with your VPN on.

General Steps to Turn Off a VPN

Turning off a VPN on Android is simple. Find the VPN app on your phone. Then, look for the “disconnect” or “turn off” option. It’s usually easy to spot. Clicking this button will end your VPN connection. Your phone will then connect to the internet like normal.

This step-by-step makes turning off your VPN smooth. This way, you switch between safe and open internet easily. With these steps, handling your VPN and changing settings is a breeze.

How to Turn Off VPN on Different Android Devices

Turning off a VPN on your Android may change depending on the device you have. There are steps to follow for each Android platform to switch off the VPN.

Turn Off VPN on Stock Android

To turn off a VPN on stock Android, first, go to “Settings.” Then, choose “Network & Internet”. After that, click on “VPN”. Finally, turn off the VPN there. Now, you’re back to using the internet without VPN.

Turn Off VPN on Samsung Galaxy Devices

On Samsung Galaxy phones, turning off the VPN is quite similar. Firstly, go to “Settings”. Then, select “Connections”. Lastly, click on “VPN” and turn the VPN off. This will stop the VPN service.

Turn Off VPN on Other Android OEM Skins

Devices with custom UI skins can have different steps. But, the idea is the same. Open your device’s settings. Find the VPN section. Turn the VPN off to stop using the service.

how to disable vpn on android

How to Turn Off VPN on Android Apps

Turning off a VPN can be done within the VPN app itself. This way, we don’t need to dive into our device settings. It’s a handy method to control our VPN easily.

Turn Off VPN in ExpressVPN App

If you use the ExpressVPN app on your Android, turning off the VPN is easy. You just need to find the “Disconnect” button in the app. Tap it, and the VPN will be turned off. Now, your device will connect to the internet without the VPN.

Turn Off VPN in NordVPN App

With the NordVPN app, the steps are quite similar. You’ll need to look for a button or switch to turn off the VPN. It might be placed in a different spot, but finding it should not be hard. This is a simple way to stop the VPN connection while avoiding settings menus.

By turning off the VPN right from the app, you can manage your VPN easily. It’s great for when you want to stop the VPN for a short while. For example, to watch content that’s only available in certain locations or when fixing connection problems.

how to turn off vpn on android

Turning off a VPN on your Android is easy. First, go to your device’s settings. Next, look for the VPN option and choose to turn it off. By doing this, you can disable your VPN and go back to using the internet without protection.

Find the VPN application on your Android. There should be a clear “disconnect” or “turn off” button. When you press this, your VPN connection will end, and you’ll be back to an unprotected internet connection.

The method to turn off a VPN may differ slightly for each Android device. But, the main steps are the same. Just go to settings, find the VPN section, and switch it off.

These steps make it simple to disable your VPN on Android. Always think about the risks before turning your VPN off. And remember to turn it back on when you need to protect your online activity.

Turning Off VPN on Android Router

If your VPN is set up on your Android router, turning it off is a bit different. You must go into your router’s settings. This can be done through an app or a web page. Then, find the VPN settings to disable it.

Access Router Settings

First, find how to access your router settings. You might need an app or to type the router’s IP into your browser. After that, look for the settings menu in your router.

Locate VPN Settings

In the settings, search for the VPN section. There, you’ll find the switch to turn off the VPN you set up on your Android router.

Disable VPN Connection

Depending on your router, you might see a switch to flick. Or, you might see an option to delete the VPN setup. Just find the right choice, and turn the VPN off.

Remember, turning off the VPN affects all devices on your Wi-Fi. So, turn it back on when you’re done for everyone’s online safety.

When to Turn VPN Back On

It’s important to know when to turn your VPN back on, especially on an Android device. Public Wi-Fi networks are a big reason. These networks are not safe, putting your online safety at risk. So, it’s smart to switch your VPN on when you’re using them.

Public Wi-Fi Networks

On public Wi-Fi, others can see what you do online. This includes things like your personal info. A VPN adds a special layer of security that keeps your data private. This way, you’re safer when you’re out and about using these networks.

Online Privacy Concerns

Sometimes, even being at home or on a private network isn’t enough for total privacy. You might worry about being watched or want to stop those ads that seem to know too much. Using your VPN again can calm these worries and protect your space online.

Accessing Sensitive Information

If you’re going to look at things like your bank details or work files, turn your VPN on. It helps keep this kind of info safe from anyone trying to sneak a peek. Your data stays secure with the VPN’s extra protection.

Knowing when to use your VPN is key for your Android’s defense. Use it when connecting to public Wi-Fi, at home for extra privacy, or when looking at important data. This keeps your digital life safer and gives you peace of mind online.


In our guide, we’ve looked at why you might turn off your VPN on Android, what happens when you do, and how to turn it off on different devices. It’s all about finding a balance between what you need and keeping safe online.

Think hard about the good and bad of turning your VPN off. And always remember to turn it back on when you need to stay safe. It’s important to balance convenience with the need for security in using your VPN on Android.

We hope this guide helps you feel more confident about turning off your VPN on Android. Make choices that fit your personal needs. Stay alert and ready to turn your VPN back on to protect yourself online.

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Cybersecurity Wavez

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